How long does it take for the logo to be recognized?

The tachistoscopic test is not only used for the evaluation of logos. It is also employed for advertising effectiveness prognosis, which predicts the effectivity of advertising media.

In this test, the viewers are presented a logo for a very short period of time, using a specific kind of slide-projector called tachistoscope. Usually, a display time of 1/1000 of a second is used at first, and the time is raised to 1/100, 1/10, and eventually 1 second.

For each display time, the subjects are asked what parts of the logo they can remember, and if they could recognize and seize the logo.

The shorter the time needed to seize the logo, the better and more clearly the logo was designed. If the viewers can't recognize and remember a logo even after looking at it for one second, you should definitely rework the logo.

This test shows if the logo is recognized and takes effect even within a short time span. On television, for example, the logo is mostly only visible for a very short time, so it must work within this period.