1. Logo design Introduction

The basics of logo design

In this small introduction to the world of logo design, I would like to comment briefly on a couple of historical facts and present you the primitive symbols called archetypes. Furthermore, I am going to explain the symbolism of motion of the western world and expand on the effect of forms and their cultural differences.

After this short trip to the origins of characters, I will go into the history of writing. You can get an overview of this history when looking at the timetable. Afterwards, I would like to give a brief introduction to picture writing, and finally to the origin of our alphabet.

At the end of this introduction, I'd like to define and explain some basic terms. We often don't use those terms according to the actual definition. However, to help you understand the following chapters more easily, these terms will be defined and clarified at the very beginning.


The following subtopics are available in this chapter:


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