Pay attention to simplicity in logo design

Generally, the more simple a logo is, the better people can keep it in mind.

That makes me think of a saying that i found in an internet forum once. Unfortunately i can't remember where i found it and who had written it, but it suits the topic and went something like this:

"A logo must be so simple, you should be able to pee it into the snow - then it is a good logo."*

It may be necessary to simplify logos, especially long-established ones. Previously, the design was more laborious. Nowadays, there's a tendency of abstracting and simplifying these logos.

When abstracting a logo, it is important to make the logo appear as identical as possible while nonetheless making it simpler.

You should keep the striking components, the logo should remain as recognizable as before.


* If the author of the saying reads this, I'd appreciate if he or she would contact me. I'll be glad to quote them by name.