Font classification: Group 5

Brief summary of characteristics:

Usually the same line weight, serifs perpendicular with rectangular ends, serifs slightly thinner than the stem stroke.


Group 5: Slab Serif:

The following font groups (groups 5-11) are not classified by stylistic periods, but primarily based on their characteristic traits.

Slab Serif is modelled on decoration forms of the mid-19th century. One distinguishing mark is the consistent thickness of stem stroke and links.

Slab Serif features strong, accentuated, horizontally joined serifs. There are 5 subcategories according to the form of serifs:

  • Egyptienne: strong serifs, no grooving

    Clarendon: slightly grooved, less strong serifs

    Italienne: exaggerated on the stems, with or without grooving

    Latin: cuneiform triangles

    Tuscan: split, decorated serifs


Examples of Slab Serif fonts:

  • Memphis




